
Sorry for the absence!

It's been a busy few weeks around here! Home improvements, rain boot shopping, and baking have kept me busy! (School work has been thrown in there too, but where's the excitement in THAT?!)

This last week, I made a recipe that I have been wanting to try out for a long time now- Carmelitas!  They were so easy (except unwrapping a whole bag of carmels isn't fun- but Chase did that  job for me! hehe) and tasted AMAZING.  The recipe is from the blog Lulu the Baker; here is the link:   Carmelia Recipe
the crust

As for home improvements, I made a DIY!! YAY! The first thing off my list here.  I got the idea off of Pinterest <--- LOVE.  (Oh, did I mention, for my Drugs class, we have to give something up for 28 days, like coffee, facebook, ect. and something possessed me to give up Pinterest! WHY?!?! I am in withdrawals, can you tell?!)



Liddy wanted me to spend all the time throwing her new toy for her.  She was quite upset that I had other plans while I was outside!

Also, Chase and Craig moved a cabinet from our laundry room into our bathroom and put new ones up in the laundry room.  I was able to get my bathroom cabinets all organized and it feels so good to know right where everything is!! Chase put up holder-things on the inside of the cabinet doors to hold my straightener, curling irons, and hair dryer.  He did an amazing job!!! 

sorry for the blurry pictures....

I literally have been shopping for rain boots for a whole year.  I waited until the end of the Spring to finally make up my mind that I would buy some, and by that time, it was 70 degrees and sunny everyday.  So a few weeks ago, when it snowed mass amounts in just a few hours (mass amounts to a Texas girl) I decided I needed some "wellies" again.  I made my selection, sent in my order, and walked around campus in the rain with wet feet for a few days while I waited to get them in the mail.  I just got my special box today, and as I look at the weather, I am a bit sad- it's to be sunny and in the 50's for the next week.  So everyone out there in the Treasure Valley area, you can thank me for the clear skies and warm weather.  I knew the minute I got my rain boots, I wouldn't be needing them.  UGH.

SO! It really has been busy around here.  But I will try to be better at posting from now on.  I am very,very happy that I actually was able to cross some things off my list!
Now what I have to decide.... WHAT'S NEXT?!?! :)

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